
Digitale verandering - Uitdagingen van digitalisering in bedrijven

Geschreven door Dirk Auberlen | 24. oktober 2024


De snelle ontwikkeling van digitalisering heeft de afgelopen jaren een grote invloed gehad op het bedrijfsleven en zal een beslissende rol blijven spelen. In ons komende evenement 'Digital Change - Uitdagingen van digitalisering in bedrijven' zullen we de verschillende facetten van deze verandering in detail bespreken. Er staan u spannende onderwerpen te wachten, waaronder:

1. digitalisation in transition

  • How has digitalisation changed?
  • What do we mean by digitalisation today?
  • How does digitalisation influence business models?
  • Which areas of the company does digitalisation affect in the past and today?

2. digitalisation in SMEs - status quo

  • Where do we stand with digitalisation in the SME sector
  • In Germany & in the EU
  • How do the sectors compare with each other?
  • What are the implications for the future?

3. challenges in the digital transformation

  • What influence does the global climate have on digitalisation?
  • Digitalisation - more than just the introduction of new technology?
  • What are the top 5 challenges?

4 Actively shaping the digital transformation

  • Where can I start with digitalisation?
  • How can I identify the fields of action for digital change?
  • Which method can I use to quickly gain an overview of the current status in the company?
  • How can I prioritise measures in a structured way?

5 The Digital Capability Navigator - the guide to digital change

  • Recording the status quo
  • Elaboration of the target picture
  • Prioritisation of fields of action and competencies
  • Evaluation and creation of the roadmap

Details about the event:

Maximum number of participants: 15-20 people

Experts: Miguel Johnson (compacer) and Akasha Jethwa (comdeo)

Date: 20 June 2024

Time period: 09:00 to 15:00

Place: IHK Northern Black Forest, Lise-Meitner-Straße 23, 72202 Nagold

Further dates in the digitisation series

20.06.2024 Horb, Digital Hub Nordschwarzwald,Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 9.00 - 15.00.

20.11.2024 Horb, Digital Hub Northern Black Forest, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.