De snelle ontwikkeling van digitalisering heeft de afgelopen jaren een grote invloed gehad op het bedrijfsleven en zal een beslissende rol blijven spelen. In ons komende evenement 'Digital Change - Uitdagingen van digitalisering in bedrijven' zullen we de verschillende facetten van deze verandering in detail bespreken. Er staan u spannende onderwerpen te wachten, waaronder:
1. digitalisation in transition
- How has digitalisation changed?
- What do we mean by digitalisation today?
- How does digitalisation influence business models?
- Which areas of the company does digitalisation affect in the past and today?
2. digitalisation in SMEs - status quo
- Where do we stand with digitalisation in the SME sector
- In Germany & in the EU
- How do the sectors compare with each other?
- What are the implications for the future?
3. challenges in the digital transformation
- What influence does the global climate have on digitalisation?
- Digitalisation - more than just the introduction of new technology?
- What are the top 5 challenges?
4 Actively shaping the digital transformation
- Where can I start with digitalisation?
- How can I identify the fields of action for digital change?
- Which method can I use to quickly gain an overview of the current status in the company?
- How can I prioritise measures in a structured way?
5 The Digital Capability Navigator - the guide to digital change
- Recording the status quo
- Elaboration of the target picture
- Prioritisation of fields of action and competencies
- Evaluation and creation of the roadmap
Details about the event:
Maximum number of participants: 15-20 people
Experts: Miguel Johnson (compacer) and Akasha Jethwa (comdeo)
Date: 20 June 2024
Time period: 09:00 to 15:00
Place: IHK Northern Black Forest, Lise-Meitner-Straße 23, 72202 Nagold
Further dates in the digitisation series
20.06.2024 Horb, Digital Hub Nordschwarzwald,Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 9.00 - 15.00.
20.11.2024 Horb, Digital Hub Northern Black Forest, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.