EN 16931: Are you really ready for mandatory e-invoicing?
It's official: mandatory e-invoicing will be introduced in Germany from 2025. This poses a huge challenge for companies that are not yet prepared: How will processes change? What are the technical...
Marie-Josée Ruhm

EN 16931: Are you really ready for mandatory e-invoicing?
It's official: mandatory e-invoicing will be introduced in Germany from 2025. This poses a huge...
Marie-Josée Ruhm

Avoid the bull whip effect through digital supply chain management
The bull whip effect is a logistics' nightmare, yet common: sudden demand spikes deplete stocks...
Dirk Auberlen

AI in Logistics: Is Your Freight Management Fit for the Future?
There's no doubt that the logistics industry is facing ever-growing challenges. Inefficient route...
Miguel Johnson