compacer archive - transparent and legally compliant

compacer archive – digital and secure archiving

Rely on us for convenient and compliant archiving of all your business documents: efficient, mobile and scalable!

What is compacer archive?

compacer archive offers you a secure and legally compliant digital archiving tool of your company data. This means that your business documents are stored digitally, saving space and making them easy to find. This allows you to significantly reduce paper-based processes and make all your business data centrally available. This ensures efficiency in day-to-day operations and full transparency for everyone involved. In addition, your entire data transfer is logged in compliance with the GDPR. compacer archive also meets the requirements of the tax authorities for protection against unauthorised external access and access restrictions for individual employees or departments within a company. Last but not least, all invoices, receipts, conversion and processing logs are archived in an audit-proof and AO-compliant manner.

Your benefits with compacer archive


Digital and time-saving:

Place your invoices and other documents directly into your archive, e.g. via e-mail or direct upload.


Secure and legally compliant:

Your data is stored in eurodata's own high-performance, ISO/IEC 27001-certified data centre in Saarbrücken, which we use as part of the eurodata group.


Plannable and transparent:

We bill your transactions monthly according to storage usage. This gives you peace of mind for the long term. We can also migrate your old data for you.


Mobile and flexible

The cloud-based compacer archive is available everywhere, all you need is a web browser. No hardware, no maintenance, no operating costs. Save money!


A centralised and transparent archiving

compacer archive enables the secure storage of common document types such as invoices, contracts and images, together with their attributes, in a central location. An automated archiving of cash register data such as journals, daily reports and inventories is also possible. This also applies to sub-customers. By linking documents such as delivery notes and invoices, you get a better overview. Statistics provide information on archived documents, storage capacity and costs. All archived documents are easily accessible. Create links to view related files or check the overview of your sub-customers. Export single or multiple files (zip) and request download links for all archived documents for a customer within a specified time period.


Convenient search function

compacer archive´s search function makes it easy to find and manage documents. Attribute and full-text search make it easy to find specific information in your documents. In addition, keywording ensures that your files are stored securely.

File preview allows you to quickly review content without having to download files. Online access via a web browser lets you access and manage your documents from anywhere.


Flexible user management

Our registration management system allows you to efficiently manage users and their permissions. Dynamic registration of new users and automatic delivery of access keys and documentation ensures fast and easy access. The creation and management of group assignments and organisational units allows you to precisely define and organise your users' access rights. This means you always have full control over access rights within your organisation.

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Download the compacer archive data sheet

Would you like to know more about compacer archive? The 4-page PDF document contains important information on the application possibilities and technical features of our digital archiving system.

Miguel Johnson-Business Development & Strategic Sales-compacer-4-3

Experience compacer archive as a live demo

My name is Miguel Johnson, Head of Business Development & Strategic Sales at compacer. Schedule a live demo of compacer archive now, and we will happily present the tool to you in person.

Request a live demo