Optimal electronic data interchange (EDI) in electronics wholesale

With its industry platform, Compacer not only offered a modern EDI component for retailers, but also created an integrated supplier onboarding portal and an e-invoicing platform for its customers.
"The great advantage of compacer is that we are able to provide comprehensive technological expertise and industry experience and shorten project lead times enormously. We have a ready-made solution portfolio that is modular and can be adapted to the respective national companies."
In our globalized world, the secure, reliable and fast transfer and exchange of information, documents and data is crucial to a company's success.
edbic is a modern data integration system that connects all participants within the value chain (digitalization).
In a production process geared towards efficiency and productivity, the individual production steps are closely interlinked. The sudden unexpected failure of a machine or component can bring the entire production line to a standstill.
Are you also thinking about connecting the old world with the new via an IT integration project?