New: compacer offers document archiving

Gärtringen, 20 February 2025: Companies can now store their data and documents in compacer archive in a scalable and legally compliant manner. This offer applies not only to customers already using...

Heike Aster


New: compacer offers document archiving
Gärtringen, 20 February 2025: Companies can now store their data and documents in compacer archive...
Heike Aster
Process platforms as a driver of digitalisation
The ability to collect, process and analyse data is increasingly critical to the success or failure...
Heike Aster
What a central data hub must be able to do
Efficient data exchange plays a key role in the success of digital transformation. The integration...
Heike Aster
Saving energy in the harbour: Digital Twin shows how!
The issue of energy efficiency is high on the agenda of the German economy, not least because of...
Heike Aster
Digital data integration: maximising reliability
Global trade is a decisive factor for economic growth. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries...
Dirk Auberlen
compacer and AEP announce partnership
Gärtringen, 01 August 2024 - AEP and compacer have recently signed a strategic partnership that...
Heike Aster