
compacer GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 6-8
71116 Gärtringen

Phone: +49 7034 998 910 0

Represented by
Lumir Boureanu

compacer is a member of the eurodata group. The head office of eurodata AG is in Saarbrücken.

Management Board eurodata AG
Lumir Boureanu

Commercial Registry No. (Amtsgericht Stuttgart)
HRB 752968
VAT identifier
DE 301078720

General Terms and Conditions: GTC

The professional liability insurance has been covered at:

Saarland Feuerversicherung AG
Mainzer Str. 32-34
66111 Saarbrücken

Area covered by the insurance: Germany and worldwide with the exception of the USA and Canada.

Web Design and Hosting

compacer GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 6-8
71116 Gärtringen

Tel: +49 7034 998 910 0



ACTIVE 24, s.r.o.

Responsible for content in the sense of German press law § 55 RStV:
Lumir Boureanu
Max-Planck-Str. 6-8
71116 Gärtringen

Limitation of Liability

Our internet service has been compiled and edited with utmost care. However, eurodata tec GmbH cannot give any guarantee whatsoever as to the correctness, accuracy or completeness of the offered information and therefore excludes liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from using this web site. Likewise, eurodata tecGmbH excludes any liability for third party web sites which have been accessed through web links included herein. The respective providers are wholly responsible for their third party content.


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